The World of Sue Kreitzman

Sue Kreitzman's Neckshrines are being exhibited at The AVAM in Baltimore.

Click image above to see a video taken at the AVAM on Sue's YouTube channel. (Opens in a new window)

A colourful and inspiring selection of Sue Kreitzman's creative handmade Neckshrines are on permanent display at The American Visionary Art Museum (AVAM).

The AVAM is in Baltimore, USA and is the official National museum, education centre, and repository for intuitive, self-taught artistry. They specialise in original thematic exhibitions that seamlessly combine art, science, philosophy, humour and especially social justice and betterment.

What is Visionary Art? Like love, you know it when you see it. But here's the longer definition, straight out of our Mission Statement:  

"Visionary art as defined for the purposes of the American Visionary Art Museum refers to art produced by self-taught individuals, usually without formal training, whose works arise from an innate personal vision that revels foremost in the creative act itself."

The AVAM Founder and Director is Rebecca Alban Hoffberger. Maybe pay them a visit to see some ‘outsider' artists work and to see Sue's Neckshrines in detail...

The AVAM website:

Film by Anna Bowman: 'CASA CHROMATIC, The House of Charismatic Colours'

The Gallery at St Pancras hospital was transformed into the colourful rooms of an imaginary house: a bathroom, ladies toilet, conservatory, craft room, children's room, sitting room and a mysterious chamber. The exhibition was jointly curated by Gallery Manager Peter Herbert and artist Sue Kreitzman and featured work by over 30 artists.

Click HERE to see Anna Bowman's video about the exhibition on Sue's YouTube channel. (Opens in a new window)

Casa Chromatic, The House of Colour Exhibition

Colour exhibition, Casa Chromatic, The House of Colour is open to the public.

This is a brilliant collection of joyful and exciting colourful artworks by our regular and brand new artists. 

Sue Kreitzman, the spiritual guru of Casa Chromatic, and the artists invite you into our house of dynamic colour.

Explore the spirit, shapes and possibilities of colour in art and architecture.


OPENS: 5 Nobember 2021 - CLOSES:  25 March 2022Open Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00 pm

Click HERE to see a Preview of the Exhibition on Sue's YouTube channel. (Opens in a new window)


Momtaz Begum-Hossain, Florent Bidois, Jemma Channing, Anne-Sophie Cochevelou, Daddystreetfox, Marius Els, Jaime Freestone, Marian Hack, Peter Herbert, Rachel Hodgson, Vivien Home, Danny Jackson, Sketch Appeal, Susie Johns, Sheona Josiah, Elizabeth Joseph, Richard Kaby, Kathy Keefe, Sue Kreitzman, Maria Fernanda Latif, Sam Miller, Cansu Odemis, Karen Progl, Sue Plowright, Queer Art House, Carrie Ravenscroft, Helen Roeten, Dan Upson, Julie Watson, Natalie Webb, Terence Wilde, John William, Emma White.

Sue and her friend Mei-Hui Liu visit the Group Show: Sotto il Sole di Capri

The Show featured Karolina Woolf, Pandemonia, Mary Meisler, Catherine Prevost Design, Daniel Lismore, Tyne O'Connell, Marko Matysik and Carmen Hannemann.

Click the image below to watch the video in Sue's Youtube Channel (opens in a new window)

"We are in a bubble of friendship and colour and Art."

Sue and Peter Herbert at The Gently Explosive Art of Yarnbombing Exhibition 2019

Sketch the Rainbow Challenge! #sketchtherainbow

...Dulcimer Draws, the founder of Sketch Appeal started a week long challenge with a different muse for each day of the week. Sue was selected and was the 'drawee' for the first day... Here are the creative and colourful interpretations of Sue's photo, drawn by the followers of Sketch Appeal.

Left by @veronique_truffaut. Right by @@mag_pi_3

Left by @susiejohns_artanddesign. Right by @tamsinlucyart

Left by @artmanship. Right by @originaryarts

Left by @laura_had_secrets. Right by @zillyanne

Left by @jayfreddofrankie. Right by @cymermade

Left by @amberbydesignuk. Right by @cymermade

Left by @justdrawsfaces. Right by @another_pencil

Left by @iheartartclub. Right by @bhavisha_07

Left by @iam_lizbeliz. Right by @annetticlestitchery

Left by @acb_design. Right by @askkid_q2

Left by @torres_illustra. Right by @lenedrawswhatever

By @vickihiltongardendesign