The World of Sue Kreitzman

Sue finds Crocs extremely comfortable, practical and she loves to embellish them to make them completely unique...

Above: 'SHERO Three-Finger Ring' featuring Carmen Miranda, Josephine Baker and Frida Khalo.

Three-Finger Ring designed and made by Elizabeth Joseph (

Click the image below to be taken to Sue's YouTube channel, and watch her interview about her love of rings, and why and where she buys them:
(Opens in a new window)

Sue Kreitzman has been named one of the 'Top Five Art-Fashion Influencers you need to follow in 2021' by

Excerpt from Artemperature:

Every selection is different. Each influencer we selected will give you a different perspective on this colourful panorama.

For us, Sue Kreitzman is pure "life". Life that transforms us, life full of passions, life intensively lived and life in the sense of "being full of life".

We are enchanted by her creativity and liveliness. Sue is a member of the Color Tribe at Spitalfields Market, a group of East London artists. Her own clothing is made from fabrics curated at flea markets and second-hand shops.

We asked Sue to describe the connection between art and fashion for her, and she replied:

"As far as I'm concerned, art and fashion are the same thing. I don't dress for fashion per se; instead, I wear art every day of my life. I design it myself or I commission artists I mentor to make things for me. I particularly love bold jewellery. Some may call my jewellery pieces weird, I call them magnificent works of art. In fact, they are profound. The latest trends don't interest me. I need art, I need colour. They fuel my life, and keep me young."