The World of Sue Kreitzman

Sue, Cansu Odemis and Florent Bidois were snapped and featured in The Times Newspaper at the Colourwalk in Spitalfields. It is held on the third Thursday of every month and everyone is welcome! Just dress in your most colourful wonderful and creative garbs and you'll fit right in...

Find out more on the Colourwalk Facebook page.

Videographer Yuqi Tang spent a week with Sue in her Shed Studio and meets her colourful clan of friends in Spitalfields Market.

Click the image above to head to Sue's YouTube channel to view Yuqi's video. (opens in a new window)

Freeda Media interviews Sue Kreitzman.

About her artistic practice and creative journey.

Freeda's mission is to spread real women’s stories to inspire positive change.

Click the moving image above to head to Sue's YouTube channel to listen to the complete interview. (opens in a new window)

Visit the FREEDA website at:

Sue Kreitzman interviewed by Carmen Paulino

Sue Kreitzman talks to Carmen Paulino about her life, love of art and gives the reasons why there's no such thing as 'bad' art.

Click the image above to head to Sue's YouTube channel to listen to the complete interview. (opens in a new window)

Visit Carmen Paulino's website at:

A Lockdown Interview with Sue Kreitzman for Loudest Whispers

Loudest Whispers is an Arts Project exhibition set in an NHS Camden Health Care location supporting the nationwide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) History month and Camden LGBT Forum.

This year 2021 Loudest Whispers is the 13th exhibition in partnership with forum+. Thirty eight artists both trained and self taught as well as new or established artists explore themes of Body, Spirit and Mind. Sue Kreitzman talks about her artistic expression and describes the Neckshrines she makes and exhibited in this year's exhibition.

Click the image above to head to Sue's YouTube channel to listen to the complete interview.

Visit the Loudest Whispers website at:

Sue Kreitzman is interviewed on Episode 6 of the Sketchy Bitches Podcast

Click the image above to head to Sue's YouTube channel, where she talks about the moodboosting powers of colour, creativity and community - and the joy of wearing your ART on your sleeve! Celebrating International Women's Day 2021.

Visit the Sketch Appeal website at:

Sue features in 'The Collectors'

Issue 4: 'Human'
Photography and words by Morgan Hill-Murphy

Sue Kreitzman: Found Objects, Artist, Collector London, UK

Those whom we term 'Collectors' in the broadest sense could be placed into one of two categories; public and private. The first can be encountered at Swap-Meets, fairs in village halls and carparks, peering over newspapers behind tables of carefully preserved and curated model railways, matchbox cars and figurines. The second category, however, is harder to infiltrate; whether the collections are too valuable or the relationship too personal there is no casual way of introducing oneself to this introverted half of the industry. There exist broken email chains and unanswered private messages begging the question 'what if...', promising hidden and phenomenal collections that we may never see because we failed to gain the trust of their guardians.

The compulsion to collect, to store, to hoard feels like a very human one and yet isn't limited to our species. I'm no biologist but don't we see similar behaviour in the animal kingdom; squirrels, ants, birds even dogs? As if to collect and unify is to fight against the fundamental entropy of our universe, to retain the meaning in objects and, what's more, understand that life itself is fragile and assert that - based on this foundation of meaning that you, the collector, exist.

Sue wears Kimono Diane Goldie, Jewellery and Shoes customised by Sue
Buy the latest issue of Primary Paper Magazine on their website:

Sue wears a pair of Retropeepers Francois oval sunglasses in vibrant red with black and white stripe 'eyebrows'.

The Advanced Style Movement & Sue Kreitzman

Nov 18, 2020

Sue was interviewed by cool retro glasses brand Retropeepers. Click the image above to read the full interview (opens in a new window).

"Be brave. Avoid beige, it might kill you. Splash out on colour and pattern. It's good for your mental health, and the mental health of those around you. Don't worry about rules. Make your own rules. Spread joy, even in dark times. The universe will thank you."

The Magical World of Sue Kreitzman

Sue is interviewed by Micah Moore of The Mermaid Studio. Click the image below to read the full article. (Opens in a new window).

'When you meet the incredible artist Sue Kreitzman, you immediately recognise that you are encountering a force of nature. Describing herself as "Typhoid Mary," Sue recognises that everything that she embodies is contagious, hence contact with her will result in your catching the "art virus," which will change your life forever.' Read the rest of Micah's article by clicking the image above (Opens in a new window).

The Fabulous Adventures of the Flamboyant Twins

With Florent Boidois

On the 21st of November 2017, Sue Kreitzman and her friend Florent Bidois organised a crazy and huge photoshoot with their friend and photographer Michele Martinoli. It was meant as a celebration of Sue's Artist Mythologies and Passions, imagined into scenarios to be frozen in time. A long and busy day of shooting in Sue's incredible London Art Flat, involving many outfit changes and lots of props. Weird and funny, the pictures are great memories and a beautiful depiction of the friendship the three of us share.

Click the image below to read the full article. (Opens in a new window).

The story goes: "An American woman and a Frenchman are in a kitchen..." Look at us, trying to fry a frog! "Don't forget the sausages!" Sue said.

Above: Read Sue's interview by EasyJet Magazine.